Saturday was another relaxing day, beginning with a trip to Uniqlo to take advantage of a hugh sale. Needless to say, Keiko and I are doing our best to help the Japanese economy.
The Japan rainy season (generally June) has started earlier than usual and the day featured a light, steady drizzle. Speaking of the weather, a typhoon may be heading our way on the 31st. It is expected to clear on Saturday, June 4, as we are scheduled to depart for the USA.
The ultimate consumers, we journeyed to COSTCO with Keiko's parents for an awesome experience. I could not believe the many hundreds of Japanese people in the store buying a wide array of products from around the world.
Lunch? .... a 200Yen foot long all-pork hotdog with all the trimmings (soda included) for all along with an unbelievable number of other Japanese with the same idea!
A Fujikawa family gathering and early dinner at a great tempura restaurant was the final feature of the day. Keiko and I enjoyed being with the family, particularly our 2 nieces (Mai and Hana) and nephew (Yudai).
Tomorrow we take on a discount outlet mall and a hot springs spa in the countryside.
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